Olbia Rent Car

Flexible Hours and Delivery. Booking even without a credit card.

Fiat Panda
City Car
Fiat Panda
Starting from € 18.00
Renault Clio
City Car
Renault Clio
Starting from € 22.00
Kymco Agility 125
Kymco Agility 125
Starting from € 25.00
Citroen C3
City Car
Citroen C3
Starting from € 26.00
Fiat 500x
City Car
Fiat 500x
Starting from € 30.00

We make sure your journey is comfortable

Satisfying the requests of our customers is our priority. For this Olbia Rents is always available, at any time, to manage the delivery of vehicles in a flexible way. Make your trip safe and pleasant with Olbia Rents, book easily online, choose the additional services you prefer and take advantage of our insurance coverage with a minimum deductible.

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We take care of welcoming you in Olbia.

Your car will be waiting for you, ready to accompany you to discover our wonderful island. The romantic hidden coves, the crystal clear sea, the famous resorts of the Costa Smeralda and the quiet villages of the hinterland, rich in history... get ready to love Sardinia, an experience that will never tire you.


Easy to rent


Flexible delivery location
and hours


Affordable prices


Vehicles in excellent condition

Rent with ease, drive with pleasure

Or give us a call:

+39 345 258 5440
